Saturday, 14 November 2009

Home Based Business - 3 FAQ's About the 'X' Factor! Do You Have It?

Q: I see all these internet programs out there, I know what they're telling me. What are they not telling me?

A: That is a question seldom asked by novice e-business seekers, but it's the best question. The fact is, what these online business opportunities don't tell you is the most important element you'll learn in your endeavor. The most important answer is: it's what's inside of you that will determine your overall success or failure in this business.

Ultimately, what these programs are not telling you is that diligence, ambition, persistence, discipline, work ethic, honesty, and patience are a few of the virtues that will promise success in your online business. Quite honestly, this is the same with any other business you can start, but it is a factor that too many people forget. The lure of online riches is the catalyst for too much disappointment. The fact remains that your personal virtue is the ultimate decider in all things.

Q: I've started my business already and I can't seem to make any money! Am I doing something wrong or am I in the wrong business?

A: Many factors come into play when you get stuck. First of all, remember that it happens to the best of us. Second, the worse thing you can do right now is quit. If you keep going, you have a fighting chance. If you quit you have 0 chance. It all boils down to what's between your ears.

Examine your actions with an open mind. Make sure you eliminate bias and emotion when you do this. Are you doing enough work (10 or so hours per week)? Are you spending enough money on marketing (an inevitability in this business, a few hundred dollars is a good start)? Are you selling the right product? Is it just impatience on your part, or have you given it an honest effort? You must ask yourself these questions.

In the end, make sure you are making measurable progress. In other words, don't do the same thing over and over again and not get any results. If you've answered these questions honestly, then you have some decisions to make. You keep going with the product and campaign you have going, you switch marketing tactics, or you switch products and try different tactics. It's up to you!

Q: I've done all of what you told me, but I can't seem to make the progress I want to make. What gives?

A: Make sure your expectations are where they need to be. Accept that you probably won't make a million bucks in your first month unless you've got an infinite amount of capital to spend. I've heard this bit of wisdom from a highly successful entrepreneur, he says; "Too many people overestimate what they can make in a month, but they underestimate what can be accomplished in a year!". Great advice. This statement can bring you back down to earth, but it can also charge you up for what's in store for your future!

One more thing. I find a great deal of great advice in motivational speakers and self-help gurus. If you put the time and funds together, you can listen to what they have to say regarding success. If you listen to them, you will find what it take to achieve success in you business. But if you listen closely, intently, and with an open mind and heart, you may find as I did a blueprint for how to manage your life! Start with Anthony Robbins, Les Brown, and Zig Ziglar and branch out from there. Their messages are somewhat different, but they all tie in to living a more fulfilled and abundant life! Try it!

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