Saturday, 14 February 2009

What Does it Take to Go From Employee to Successful Home Based Business Entrepreneur?

Your freedom of choice and the freedom to effect change in your own life is extremely powerful. This is a basic freedom we’ve all been blessed with at birth that we can use to accomplish extraordinary things in life. If you fail to use this freedom to your advantage however, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.
For example, let’s say you find yourself complaining about your job or your lousy boss. If I were speaking with you, the first thing I would ask you is, “what are you going to do about it?” I can only hope that this question would not be met with a blank stare.
The reality is that everyone has their own laundry list of things to complain about. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to take the steps necessary to correct that which makes them unhappy. Able yes; willing no.
So, let’s assume that you are one of the few who recognizes when you need to make changes in your life. Please allow me to also assume that you’ll actually take the steps necessary to make it happen. To you I say: change is good. However, change also requires transition. And my friend, transition can be tricky.
To acknowledge that something needs to change in your life is only an initial step. This acknowledgement is meaningless if it does not push you in the direction of making the required transition. All too often people are willing to accept mediocrity with an excuse of “well, this is just the way it is”.
Change is good – transition is critical. The topic of transition can be clearly illustrated by looking at some real world, easy to understand examples.
For instance, I think we’d all be in agreement that Tiger Woods is one of history’s greatest golfers. The man’s accomplishments speak for themselves. Now, what do you think would happen if you sat Tiger in front of a video golf game? Just because Tiger Woods has unmatched skills out on a real golf course, does that necessarily mean that those skills will automatically transition to video golf?
I would bet my last dollar that a 13 year old, video-game-fanatic kid would kick Tiger’s butt in video golf. Do you get the point? The transition from real golf to video golf is not automatic. I’m sure Woods has the propensity to be great at video golf, but this would only be determined by how successfully he could make the transition.
Let’s take this concept into home based business. Let’s say you’re a good employee; recognized by your boss for doing a great job and complimented by those with whom you interact as someone competent at your tasks. Good for you – you can be proud of those accomplishments. The question then becomes, will your commendable job performance necessarily translate into an ability to effectively start and grow a business? The definite answer is NO.
The successful transition to becoming an entrepreneur is not guaranteed to the good employee.
Take a look at the network marketing industry. Network marketing has enabled more ordinary folks to enjoy extraordinary home based, entrepreneurial success than probably any other industry. BUT, that success IS NOT automatic. Just because you’re a good employee, does not mean you’ll be a successful network marketing business owner.
Your MLM business is just that – it’s a business. And, transitioning into and growing a business requires a specific skill set that must be learned and adopted. These skills include – but are not limited to – communication, marketing, organization and listening. You may already posses some of the required skills. If so, good for you! But, don’t stop there.
There is one sure way to increase your chances of success and that is to strengthen the skills you already have and to build up new skills where you’re deficient.
For anyone seeking success in the exciting world of network marketing – also referred to as multi level marketing or MLM – you’d be doing yourself a huge favor by preparing yourself properly. How to succeed in network marketing is much more than a function of being a good employee. It’s much more than having lots of energy and good intentions.
Success in a network marketing business of your own is a sum total of the real world, practical business skills you develop and hone. And, there are essentially two ways to build up the skills you’ll need: to learn them on your own or learn them from someone who has already taken the path you now wish to travel.
Is it possible to acquire these skills and succeed in business by trial and error? Of course it is. But, I can promise you this, it will be a long, painful and very expensive road. Investment in yourself by way of getting your hands on useful information is the path consistently taken by those who consistently succeed.
Doesn’t learning from others just make sense? For example, what would be the fastest, most efficient way to learn salsa dancing? To teach yourself how to do it or take classes from an accomplished salsa instructor? The answer should be obvious.
If you are looking to make the transition from employee to a successful network marketing business owner, the very best first step you could take is to get a copy of “The UNIVERSAL MLM Success Kit”. This training tool is jam packed with information and instruction that anyone could use to accomplish their goals in MLM. Go check it out now…you’ll be glad you did.

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